The Alleghany County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, May 17, 2004, at 10:00am in the Conference Room of the County Office Building, 90 South Main Street, Sparta, North Carolina.


            Present:  Chair Eldon Edwards, Commissioner Graylen Blevins, Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon, Commissioner Patrick Woodie, County Manager Don Adams, and Clerk to the Board Karen Evans.  Vice-Chair Warren Taylor was present but arrived late.  County Attorney Ed Woltz was absent. 


Chair Eldon Edwards called the meeting to order.


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon opened the meeting with a prayer.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve the agenda for this May 17, 2004, meeting.  Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion.  Vote 4:0.



Monday, May 17, 2004

10:00 AM


10:00               Meeting Called To Order

                        Motion on Agenda for May 17, 2004 meeting

Motion on Minutes for May 3 & 10, 2004 meetings

10:05               Mary Walker

                        RE:  Tax Releases & Refunds

                        County Business

1.      Recreation/Planning Budget Amendment

2.      Web Site Update

3.      Fairgrounds Fee Schedule

4.      Board of Elections Meeting

5.      Insurance Agreements for FY 04/05

6.      Other Business

7.      Public Comments—30 minutes

8.      Closed Session—NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (3)—legal

NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (4)—economic development

9.      Adjourn


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve the May 3 & 10, 2004, minutes.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion. Vote 4:0.


Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, informed the Board that the real property collection rate this morning is 97.11%.  She further informed the Board about the amount of outstanding taxes for this year.


The Board of Commissioners and Ms. Walker discussed collection rates for other counties and the process that the Tax Office is starting for the collection of past-due taxes; garnishments and attachments.


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented the tax requests for real property for April 2004 in the amount of $1,783.16 for releases and $603.28 for refunds.


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve the tax requests for real property for April 2004 in the amount of $1,783.16 for releases and $603.28 for refunds. Commissioner Patrick Woodie seconded the motion.  Vote 4:0. 


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented the tax requests for vehicles for April 2004 in the amount of $2,095.29 for releases and $797.82 for refunds.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve the tax requests for vehicles for April 2004 in the amount of $2,095.29 for releases and $797.82 for refunds.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 4:0. 


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented a motor-vehicle appeal for a 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe with a tax value of $14,980.  She further explained that she recommends the value be $8,700 based upon the Blue Book values.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to accept the Tax Administrator’s recommendation on this motor-vehicle appeal.  Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion.  Vote 4:0.


County Manager Don Adams presented budget amendment General Fund #22 in the amount of $21,530 for part-time salaries and FICA for the Recreation Commission personnel.  He passed out information regarding the number of employees, pay and general information for payroll for the Recreation Commission.  He reviewed the reason for the switching the payroll to the County’s Recreation Department now rather than July 1st.


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve budget amendment General Fund #22 in the amount of $21,530.  Commissioner Patrick Woodie seconded the motion.  Vote 4:0.


County Manager Don Adams updated the Board about the usage of our County web site.  He presented data that shows the most commonly viewed items on the web site.


County Manager Don Adams explained to the Board the current fee schedule for usage of the Fairgrounds. 


Commissioner Warren Taylor joined the meeting at 10:18am.


County Manager Don Adams further explained a proposed fee schedule change for usage of the Fairgrounds.  He stated that the proposed change is non-profit organizations will be charged 20% of net profit payable to the County if the event charges a gate fee.  He further stated that the Fairgrounds Board is asking for the Commissioners to approve this change.  He informed the Board that the net profit figures are subject to the approval of the County Manager’s office and the Recreation Department.


The Board of Commissioners and County Manager Don Adams discussed the proposal from the Fairgrounds Board, reviewed the events that this change will affect, charging only non-profit organization that collect a gate fee, the monies will be used for regular maintenance of the Fairgrounds facility and the fee schedule for profit organizations. 


Chair Eldon Edwards talked about the Recreation Director searching for more events to have at the Fairgrounds to increase revenues.


The Board of Commissioners asked the County Manager to bring the proposal back to them in writing at the next regular meeting.


County Manager Don Adams mentioned a meeting that the Board of Elections will hold on May 19th.  He informed everyone that Bynum Marshall is transferring to the West Coast; therefore, this meeting will be his last meeting with the Board of Elections.


Commissioner Warren Taylor and Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon stated that they would try to attend the meeting on behalf of the County to present a Certificate of Appreciation.


County Manager Don Adams presented the FY 04/05 insurance agreements for our medical insurance, workers compensation and property/liability insurance through the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.  He stated that NCACC requires these agreements be returned prior to July 1. 


The Board of Commissioners and County Manager Don Adams discussed prior claims that the County has had in the past few years that is affecting our insurance rates. 


Commissioner Warren Taylor stated that he doesn’t think the County should go out to bid for another insurance company because participating in the NCACC pools has its advantages.


Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to continue with the Interlocal Agreements for our insurance coverage.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


County Manager Don Adams reminded the Board about the Secondary Road Public Hearing tonight at 6:30pm. 


Commissioner Warren Taylor mentioned that there are a number of secondary roads that cannot get paved due to individuals not signing the right-of-way agreements.   He talked about the County losing secondary road monies due to the right-of-way refusals.


The Board of Commissioners discussed the right-of-ways problems and the situation going back to the Legislators for their help in getting this process amended. 


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon mentioned that she regrets to see Carmen Long leave the County and wish her the best in her next endeavors.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie echoed Commissioner Herndon’s comments and mentioned the same feelings about Carmen’s husband, Brent, and their children.


Chair Eldon Edwards asked for public comments.  None were received.


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to enter into closed session at 10:55am under NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (3)—legal and (a) (4)—economic development.  Commissioner Patrick Woodie seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to adjourn closed session and reconvene the regular meeting at 11:40am.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


Chair Eldon Edwards stated no action was taken in closed session.


Being no further business, Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:41am. Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


Respectfully submitted,                     




Karen Evans                          

Clerk to the Board                  






Eldon Edwards
