The Alleghany County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday, May 10, 2004, at 10:48am in the Conference Room of the County Office Building, 90 South Main Street, Sparta, North Carolina.  The purpose of this meeting is to have a budget planning session for the FY04/05 budget.


            Present:  Chair Eldon Edwards, Vice-Chair Warren Taylor, Commissioner Graylen Blevins, Commissioner Patrick Woodie, County Manager Don Adams, and Clerk to the Board Karen Evans. Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon and County Attorney Ed Woltz were absent. 


Chair Eldon Edwards called the meeting to order.


County Manager Don Adams stated that the purpose of the meeting is to have a budget planning session so the Board can tell him what they want to see in the budget.  He started the meeting by reviewing revenue categories. 


Commissioner Warren Taylor asked about the sales tax pie chart for last year in comparison to this year’s chart.


County Manager Don Adams stated that projections are down but will not change the percentage on the pie chart.


Commissioner Graylen Blevins asked about the 2% sales tax.


County Manager Don Adams explained the different articles of sales tax.


County Manager Don Adams reviewed pie charts for expenditures by object and expenditures by function, spreadsheets about taxation ranking the County in comparison with all of North Carolina’s counties, tax collection rate, property owners residing in Alleghany County, fund balance percentages, analysis of debt service and courthouse/administration renovations projections.


Commissioner Warren Taylor and County Manager Don Adams discussed the renovations of the Courthouse and Administration buildings.


The Board of Commissioners and County Manager Don Adams discussed the school facility needs that were been presented earlier this morning.


County Manager Don Adams explained the difference between a bond referendum and an installment purchase.  The Board of Commissioners discussed the last bond passed in the County; Jail bond in 1991.  County Manager Don Adams explained the costs for a bond referendum. 


Chair Eldon Edwards mentioned that the renovations at the cash & carry building will cost $1.3 million and the courthouse will cost $1.0 million dollars.  He stated that he doesn’t think that a bond referendum is an option on this because of the amount of money involved.


The Board of Commissioners discussed prioritizing capital needs in the County and the unknown amounts of funding needed for the school projects.


County Manager Don Adams stated that the Board of Education is looking at different scenarios on their space needs, and they should have numbers available this fiscal year.


County Manager Don Adams mentioned things that can affect this year’s budget concerning personnel are year two of the three-year salary plan, performance evaluations and insurance costs.


Commissioner Warren Taylor talked about the need to address capital projects rather than delaying action on the projects.


Commissioner Graylen Blevins talked about the schools and the need to address their issues.


Commissioner Warren Taylor stated that he thinks that we should probably wait until we have an idea from the schools about the amount of money needed for their project.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie stated that he thinks that the County should start addressing the County’s capital needs rather than delaying the action and making things worse.


Chair Eldon Edwards and Commissioner Patrick Woodie discussed comments that they have heard about the Board of Education purchasing the Springford building.


Commissioner Warren Taylor discussed the road between the two roads and the number of students in that area. 


Commissioner Graylen Blevins talked about how the Board saw the problems this morning at Sparta Elementary School and the school personnel should have ideas on how to fix their problems.


Chair Eldon Edwards talked about the Commissioners should look at the County’s needs, also.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie, Commissioner Warren Taylor and County Manager Don Adams discussed the school bus garage project that should be in the school’s budget request. 


Commissioner Patrick Woodie and County Manager Don Adams discussed completing a long-term plan for the entire school system rather than just one school.


Being no further business, Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:37am.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 4:0.


Respectfully submitted,                     




Karen Evans                          

Clerk to the Board                  






Eldon Edwards
