The Alleghany County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 1, 2004, at 6:30pm in the Conference Room of the County Office Building, 90 South Main Street, Sparta, North Carolina.


            Present:  Chair Eldon Edwards, Vice-Chair Warren Taylor, Commissioner Graylen Blevins, Commissioner Sandy Carter, Commissioner Patrick Woodie, County Manager Don Adams, and Clerk to the Board Karen Evans. County Attorney Ed Woltz was absent. 


Chair Eldon Edwards called the meeting to order.


Commissioner Graylen Blevins opened the meeting with a prayer.


Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to approve the agenda for this March 1, 2004, meeting.  Commissioner Sandy Carter seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.



Monday, March 1, 2004

6:30 PM


6:30                 Meeting Called To Order

                        Motion on Agenda for March 1, 2004 meeting

Motion on Minutes for February 16, 2004 meeting

6:35                 Public Hearing

RE:  911 Road Names

6:40                 Wendy Williams

RE:  911 Road Names

6:45                 Mary Walker

                        RE:  Board of E&R Calendar

6:50                 Leanne Murray

                        RE:  Chamber of Commerce

County Business

1.      Farmland Preservation Board Appointment

2.      JCPC Board Appointment

3.      BROC Board Appointment

4.      Performance Evaluation Training

5.      Other Business

6.      Public Comments—30 minutes

7.      Closed Session—NCGS 143-318.11 (a)(4)—economic development

8.      Adjourn


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve the February 16, 2004, minutes.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion. Vote 5:0.


            Chair Eldon Edwards recessed the regular meeting at 6:32pm and opened the public hearing regarding E-911 Road Names.


            Wendy Williams, E-911 Coordinator/Mapper, presented one new road name, Triple E Lane, for the Board’s approval.  She explained where the road is located. 


            The Board of Commissioners and Wendy Williams discussed the number of structures on a road.


            Chair Eldon Edwards asked for public comments.  None were received.


            Commissioner Sandy Carter made a motion to approve the road names as presented by the E-911 Coordinator/Mapper.  Commissioner Patrick Woodie seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


Chair Eldon Edwards closed the public hearing at 6:35pm and reconvened the regular meeting.


Leanne Murray, Chamber of Commerce Director, gave the Board a report about the occupancy tax expenditures used for promoting Alleghany County.  She showed the Board examples of advertising paid by the occupancy tax revenues as well as free advertising examples.  She informed the Board of events that the Chamber is involved in to promote the County. 


Commissioner Warren Taylor and Commissioner Patrick Woodie stated their appreciation of the advertising examples that Ms. Murray presented to the Board. 


Commissioner Sandy Carter and Leanne Murray discussed having additional funds to accomplish more promotional activities.


Commissioner Graylen Blevins and Leanne Murray talked about the current membership of the Chamber of Commerce and the membership revenues.


Leanne Murray stated that she didn’t come prepared to discuss the Chamber’s budget.  She stated that all of the Chamber budget would be included in the Chamber’s budget request.


Chair Eldon Edwards and Leanne Murray talked about the bike tour.


County Manager Don Adams presented a letter from Paul Edwards with the Farmland Preservation Program asking the Commissioners to appoint David Isner to fill the vacancy on created by Bob Edwards accepting the District Director’s position.


Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to approve the appointment of David Isner to the Farmland Preservation Program.  Commissioner Sandy Carter seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


County Manager Don Adams presented a letter from the Juvenile Crime Prevention Crime asking that Sara Drake be appointed to the JCPC Board.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to appoint Sara Drake to the JCPC Board.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


County Manager Don Adams presented a letter from Dare Stromer asking that Michael Parlier be appointed to serve on the Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission Board of Directors.


Commissioner Sandy Carter made a motion to appoint Michael Parlier to the Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission Board of Directors.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


County Manager Don Adams updated the Board about things that were discussed at the recent Department Head meeting; internal/external customer service training, employees joining the Alleghany Wellness Center at a discounted rate.


Commissioner Sandy Carter and Commissioner Patrick Woodie stated that they thought the Wellness Center was a good idea.


County Manager Don Adams stated that another thing that was discussed at the Department Head meeting was performance evaluations.  He reminded the Board about All American Associates creating performance evaluations when they created the new pay plan.  He stated that the Department Heads have asked for training on completing the performance evaluations.


Commissioner Warren Taylor and County Manager Don Adams discussed having the training session this year to help everyone learn how to do the performance evaluations.


Commissioner Graylen Blevins asked about the performance evaluations being fair across the board to each employee. 


County Manager Don Adams stated that this is one of the reasons for the training.  He explained the performance evaluations’ process.


Chair Eldon Edwards and County Manager Don Adams discussed a grant through the County’s insurance company that will help employees with the costs of the Wellness Center membership. 


Commissioner Sandy Carter and County Manager Don Adams discussed payroll deductions for the Wellness Center membership.  County Manager Don Adams explained that our employees want the flexibility of using the Wellness Center as they wish, and he has found a way to accomplish this without payroll deductions.


Chair Eldon Edwards, Commissioner Warren Taylor and Commissioner Graylen Blevins asked about the $1,000 costs for the performance evaluation training.


County Manager Don Adams stated that he will spend up to $1,000 if the Board gives him the approval for the training.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to accept the bid proposal from All American Associates for the performance evaluations training.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


County Manager Don Adams stated that he received a call from Department of Transportation regarding the Secondary Road Public Hearing.  He further stated that they asked to schedule a meeting between March 22 and May 21.  He asked the Board if May 17 at 6:30pm would meet everyone’s schedule.


The Board agreed to May 17 at 6:30pm for the Secondary Road Public Hearing.


County Manager Don Adams handed out the highlights of the letter to the Legislators regarding road hunting.  He read the first draft of the wording “hunt, take or kill or attempt to hunt, take or kill any wildlife with a loaded gun or other lethal weapon form a road right-of-way, or discharge a gun or lethal weapon across any such road right-of-way without written permission from adjoining property owners”.  He reviewed the current law of discharging a firearm from the road,


Commissioner Warren Taylor stated that he recalled the problem being road hunting during deer season.  He further stated that he thinks this wording is addressing any hunting from the road at any time.


Commissioner Graylen Blevins talked about needing to get the feedback from the citizens on this before any further action is taken on this matter.  He stated that the public is highly disturbed about this matter.


The Board of Commissioners continued to discuss how this change would affect farmers killing animals that are running/killing the farm animals and the issue of leased farm land. 


Commissioner Warren Taylor stated that the Board needs to be very specific in the wording change. 


Commissioner Sandy Carter stated that the original attempt was to protect the legal hunters and not provide a safe haven to outside hunters since the County’s laws are not as strict as neighboring counties as well as protecting human life.  She further stated that the wording change needs to have enough teeth in it to protect the safety of the County otherwise there is no purpose of changing the wording.  She said that if the proposed wording change is too strong then the Board needs to look at how the wording can be changed to help the game warden.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie and Chair Eldon Edwards stated that they would like to listen to the people present tonight about this subject.


Richard Nichols stated they would like the Commissioners to hear the hunters’ comments at the next meeting before any final decisions are made.


Richard Joines stated that a few years back the County went through a similar trespassing issue.  He further stated that the Commissioners are elected to represent all of the citizens not just one person. 


Chair Eldon Edwards reviewed the process of anyone calling to be placed on the agenda to talk to the Board about problems he/she may have.


County Manager Don Adams informed everyone that the Board directed him to write a letter to bring back to them for the Board's final approval whatever the final approval may be.


Richard Nichols asked that the Board not decide on this tonight until the Board has heard from the hunters in the County.


Commissioner Sandy Carter asked the hunters to put together some wording on this subject to have when they come to next meeting.


Richard Joines talked about hunting restrictions are becoming too strict.  He gave examples of ways people should be allowed to hunt. 


Commissioner Sandy Carter stated that the County Commissioners are only looking at road hunting specifically. 


Richard Joines said he thinks that the laws in the hunting book are strict enough, and Mr. Blankenship should enforce the laws that the County has at this time.


Commissioner Sandy Carter and Richard Joines talked about examples of road hunting.


Chair Eldon Edwards asked about the hunters being satisfied with the current law.


Richard Nichols stated that they are satisfied with the current law and have learned to live with it.


Ricky Brinegar stated that he has hunted for 35 years and doesn’t know about anybody getting hurt during that time.  He talked about posted land and road hunting.  He stated that the Board needs to work this out without being harsh and do what is best for the County.


Tracy Nichols asked if the law could be left as it is.  He told the Board about night hunting being cracked down on since Mr. Blankenship started last year. 


Richard Nichols stated that by adding the word “hunt” to this proposed law change is where the problems are created.


Ricky Royal stated that Troop 299 is here to work on their citizenship in the community merit badge.


The Board of Commissioners thanked the Boy Scouts for coming to the meeting tonight.


Commissioner Warren Taylor stated that he has the same concerns of Mr. Nichols, and the Board will discuss this further.


Richard Nichols stated that the hunters thought the action has already been taken on this matter.


Chair Eldon Edwards stated that no action has been taken and the Board will listen to the hunters before any final action is taken.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie talked about the Joint Meeting on March 29.  He asked if the Board is willing to have the meeting at the Blue Ridge BDC and change the time to 3:00pm.


The Board agreed to hold the Joint Meeting on March 29 at the Blue Ridge BDC facility starting at 3:00pm.


Chair Eldon Edwards asked for public comments.  None were received.


Commissioner Sandy Carter made a motion to enter into closed session under NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (4)—economic development at 8:14pm.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


Commissioner Sandy Carter made a motion to adjourn the closed session and reconvene the regular meeting at 8:40pm.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion. Vote 5:0.


Chair Eldon Edwards stated that no action was taken during closed session.


Being no further business, Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:42pm.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


Respectfully submitted,                     




Karen Evans                          

Clerk to the Board                  






Eldon Edwards
